Wednesday, January 7, 2009

February 1

Less than a month until I submit my application to the Ohio State School of Nursing. Oh, Jesus.


Katydid said...

Oh my god, what are you worried about? Who wouldn't want an awesomely diabetic and totally fierce nurse? I know I would.

achilles3 said...

I second Katydid on that, captain freakout!
They'd be fools not to give you a party on the way in:-)

Lee said...

Hahaha Thank you both.

Except for the "captain freakout" comment. Completely unnecessary! I wasn't freaking out...I was just hyperventilating a bit as I was thinking about the approaching deadline. Big diff.

Katydid said...

Unrelated to this post, "The Wrestler" comes out in Cincinnati on the 16th!

BTW, "Slumdog" won Best Film, Director, Score, Screenplay, and Young Actor at the Critic's Choice Awards tonight, which is a good predictor of the Oscars :)