Sunday, August 2, 2009

There is a new boy...

...He's from my past--before high school, before junior high. Go back to ten-year-old Emily (pre-orthodontia, glasses, stringy hair, a fan of pairing biker shorts with sweaters). I think the fact that we have history contributed a great deal to the speed with which I fell for him (he painfully recalls our short-lived relationship in sixth grade which I ended by recruiting another girl to deliver the break up message). Oh yeah, did I mention he is the same guy who introduced me to Citizen Cope a few weeks ago?

He is the first person I've genuinely liked in a long time. He's not a rebound I have luke-warm feelings for; I love being with him. He's given me my first glimpses of the real Cincinnati (19 years and I'd never seen beautiful Over-the-Rhine), forced me to listen to Dierks Bentley songs (okay, country music is growing on me), told stories that nearly made me pee my pants, given me a necklace from Tiffany's, taken me antiquing, bought me sugarfree Angel Food cake, introduced me to Friday Night Lights, nearly killed us driving the wrong direction on a one-way street, teased me for eating my turkey burgers with only ketchup, and made me feel like the most special girl in the entire world. It's weird but exciting to feel this kind of affection again.

However, things are up in the air at the moment--he's still deciding whether to transfer to University of Tennessee or to Ohio State. We've already discussed my refusal to be in another long-distance relationship and he respects that. But I do not want that to be a factor that influences his decision--I want him to do what is best for him. I don't feel that I should be in the equation at all...

Who knows how things will end up? If this blog has taught me anything over the past year, it's that I have no fucking clue.

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