Friday, August 7, 2009

Always on the way

"Ever'body is askin' that. 'What we comin' to?' Seems to me we don't never come to nothin'. Always on the way."
-Grapes of Wrath

I finally watched The Grapes of Wrath movie yesterday on TCM. It was really good--the actors who played Ma Joad and Casy were excellent, and Henry Fonda was sexy--but, of course, it wasn't like reading the book. It captured a lot of my favorite parts--when Mae the waitress gives the children two nickel candies for a penny and the truck drivers leave her a big tip--but it just failed to evoke the same feelings I had reading it. I'll just never be a true believer in making amazing books into movies. But it's okay, I can just stare at Henry Fonda all day long...

1 comment:

achilles3 said...

Always on the way...
DAMN good advice. Timeless and simple.