I'm in a weird, reminiscent mood. It happened after Trevor told me he plans to go home for the third weekend in a row. And when I started listening to my "Top 25 Most Played" songs on iTunes.
The songs remind me of last winter and last spring. They bring back these vivid images.
My life was so different last November 1st.
The songs make me miss certain people, regret certain things I did, appreciate other decisions I made.
I need to go to bed.
10 years of this crap
9 years ago
So, what are the 25 most played songs on your iTunes?
I swear we think along the exact same lines. I too have been thinking about what an incredible difference a year makes. My soundtrack to that time was Wilco's "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" and Girl Talk's "Feed the Animals."
"Spaceman" The Killers
"See These Bones" Nada Surf
"Hysteric" Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Her Morning Elegance" Oren Lavie
"Robocop" Kanye West
"Viva la Vida" Coldplay
"Latika's Theme" from Slumdog Millionaire
"Define Dancing" from Wall-E
That's kind of out of order. There's a lot of The Killers and Coldplay.
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