Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Good

I strongly believe that out of bad, there can come good. And I saw it this week...

Friday, my sister Sarah had coffee with my Nurse Practitioner, Shannon. Shannon has been my NP at Children's Hospital since I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and, every three months for the past four years, I've seen either her or my endocrinologist (my favorite endocrinologist, Dr. R., however, was recently offered a job as Head of Endocrinology at another children's hospital so he'll be leaving me). My sister was meeting with Shannon this week to discuss Yale--Shannon graduated from Yale's Nurse Practitioner program and became the influence and encouragement for my sister to apply there, as well.

So, I became a diabetic >> I met Shannon >> Sarah met Shannon >> Shannon gave Sarah the courage to apply to Yale >> Sarah grew some balls, applied and was accepted. And come Fall, she's going to go through a great program that will help to make her an awesome NP one day.

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